Principal Tim Berndt
Meet the Principal
On behalf of the Cle Elum-Roslyn School District and Cle Elum-Roslyn High School (CERHS), I’m pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. My name is Mr. Tim Berndt, and I’m honored to serve as your Interim Principal this year. I’m a retired principal with 23 years of administrative experience, including five years with the Cle Elum-Roslyn School District. I’ve also served as Interim Superintendent in Easton. Whether substituting for our principals or supporting our current Superintendent, Mr. Belcher, I’ve been privileged to assist the parents and students of our district.
Let’s talk about the year ahead! As CERHS students, you have an exciting opportunity to experience a renewed focus in your classes and numerous chances to excel. Many of our courses offer dual credit, allowing you to earn credits for both high school and college. Our elective courses will help you develop skills in areas you’re passionate about, while our core classes will prepare you with essential knowledge for success in college, careers, or life.
As a Warrior, you can join a variety of clubs and athletic teams open to all students. If you don’t find a club that interests you, starting a new one is easy—just contact our ASB advisor or the school principal. We also offer plenty of opportunities for parents to get involved, including joining one of our booster clubs that support various school programs.
Over the past few years, our staff have embraced new instructional methods, which will be implemented this year. We’re also introducing a new process to measure student growth, with staff receiving training to ensure they’re fully prepared. Additionally, during early release Fridays, staff will meet with their Learning Communities to review curriculum and learn new strategies to enhance student learning.
I’m proud to be one of the newest Warriors, and my door is always open. I’m eager to support you in any way I can.
Mr. Tim Berndt
Interim Principal, Cle Elum-Roslyn High School