Principal Sarah Day
Meet the Principal
Hello Summiteers!
I am so excited to begin as your new Principal! I have been a Director in our district for over five years. I currently oversee program areas such as Career and Technical Education (CTE), Counseling and Scholarships. Prior to coming to Cle Elum, I was a School Counselor for 14 years. I started my career in Ellensburg but life took us to California where I worked in an affluent small town in the Bay Area. We knew we needed to be back in the NW after our daughter was born and we had an opportunity that brought me back to my old middle school in Renton. Although I enjoyed my experience in those places, we always wanted to live in Kittitas County and I have LOVED every minute of it since moving here almost 7 years ago! As we get to know each other, you are going to learn that education was not my first career but my second. I believe that sometimes the journey we take in life is not a straight path but at every twist and turn we learn more about ourselves and where we truly want to be.
Over the last few years I have watched the Big Picture Learning program begin and start rolling at Swiftwater. Last year it was fun to see some of you start internships and explore potential career paths. This upcoming year I hope you are ready to lean into learning more about who you are, explore job shadows and step into internships. Michele, Maya and I are ready to develop exciting Leave2Learn experiences with you.
Swiftwater is a program for students who are ready to learn through doing. We want students who have an interest that they want to pursue and are ready to funnel their learning through hands-on, real world experiences. Don’t forget! We are currently still enrolling for the upcoming year and our students still have the opportunity to participate in athletics, dances, music and more at CERHS.
Business owners, we can’t do this without you. Our program is looking for individuals who are open to having 15 minute phone interviews with our students AND businesses that are interested in having a student do a job shadow that may lead to an internship. Want to learn more? I’d love to tell you all about it! Please email me at days@cersd.org.
See you soon Summiteers!
Mrs. Day
Swiftwater Principal
(509) 852-4829