Walter Strom Middle School Athletics


Walter Strom Middle School is the home of the Wildcats and competes in the Yakima Valley Gold League (YVGL). It is governed by the Yakima Valley Interscholastic Activities Association (YVIAA) and the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA).

First day for Spring Sports practices: Monday, March 17th

Spring Sports Player & Parent Meeting: Thursday, March 13th, MS Commons

Baseball (7th/8th), Softball (7th/8th) and Track & Field (6th/7th/8th) start practices on March 17th. If your student is interested in playing one of these spring sports please make sure they are signed up as soon as possible. All registration information can be found on our website; In order to participate on the first day of practices, athletes must have all parent and student forms signed, proof of medical insurance, and a current sports physical on file. If you are having trouble getting into your primary care provider, we also have vouchers for free sports physicals at Kittitas Valley Urgent Care in Ellensburg. Please stop into the high school office to get one if needed.

**HS Warrior Baseball open to 8th Graders**: If your 8th grader is interested in playing for the high school team please reach out to Hailey Bator ( As a reminder, high school seasons are much longer than middle school, with longer practices, more practices and more travel. Please have this conversation with your 8th grader if this is an option you are considering. HS practices start on Monday March 3rd.

Please reach out to coaches for sport specific information:

Baseball - Marcus Bailey,
Softball - Alexis Tiffany,
Track & Field - Teanaway Nale,

Sports offered at Walter Strom Middle School

FALL: Football, Cross Country, Volleyball

WINTER (I): Boys Basketball

WINTER (II): Girls Basketball, Wrestling

SPRING:  Baseball, Softball, Track & Field

Hailey Bator

Hailey Bator

Athletic Director

Office: (509) 649-4905

Photo Coming Soon

Amanda Warden

Athletic Secretary

Office: (509) 852-4878