Got children's books? Donate your old books to the National Honor Society Book Drive. We will be accepting book donations in any school office until Thursday, March 20th. Books donated will be given to elementary students to enjoy over Spring Break!
about 23 hours ago, CERSD
NHS Book Drive flyer
Bus Route Update: The City of Cle Elum will be closing Stafford Ave from 2nd Street up to 5th street for construction from now through May. Beginning today 3/10/2025, all students at the 3rd & Stafford Bus stop will now be picked up or dropped off at 3rd and Billings. This notification just came in today, and we apologize for any inconvenience. Please call our Transportation Director, Rosa Overton, with any questions: 509-852-4832
3 days ago, CERSD
Bus Route Update
Attention Families, Cle Elum-Roslyn Elementary School will be on an Early Release schedule for conference week, March 11-13, 2025. The Middle and High Schools will be on a regular schedule those days. Friday, March 14th, All schools will be on a Half Day Early Release schedule. If you have any questions, please call the school's main office.
3 days ago, CERSD
Elementary School Conference Week - Early Release Days
Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 9th! Remember to set your clocks forward one hour.
5 days ago, CERSD
Daylight savings time - March 9th
Gray Wolf Families: Please join us for Literacy Night on Monday, March 3rd, from 5:00pm - 7:30pm at Cle Elum-Roslyn Elementary! It will be a night of fun, with guest readers, Dr. Suess crafts, and Book Fair, complete with food and drinks. We look forward to seeing you there!
13 days ago, CERES
Literacy Night March 3rd
Did you know SmartTags are to be kept year after year? The cost for a new SmartTag is about $5, at current prices. Students that still have their original tags by the end of the year will get a prize!
15 days ago, CERSD
Smart Tag flyer
Mark your calendars! From April 1st to April 3rd, we’re excited to host our annual Early Learning Round Up! This invaluable event offers families insights into their child’s development and showcases the free early learning services available through the Cle Elum Roslyn School District. This event is for students that will be 3 and 4 years old by August 31st, 2025. Want more information, please visit our webpage:
16 days ago, CERSD
Early Learning Roundup
This is a friendly reminder that there will be no school Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 18th. Have a great 3 day weekend!
27 days ago, CERSD
Presidents Day, no school Feb. 17th, 2025
Have you voted yet? Be sure to vote and return your ballot today!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
remember to vote today, Feb. 11
Did You Know? The last Capital Levy helped update and improve safety and security systems in all Cle Elum-Roslyn schools. Learn more at Remember to vote by tomorrow, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
new video doorbell system
Did You Know? Capital Levies help to modernize classroom technology and equipment, and update aging student computer devices. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
students on computers
Did You Know? The Capital Levy helps improve specialized classrooms, including special education spaces, performing arts spaces, outdoor education areas and more. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
Specialized Education space
February 3-7 is National School Counseling Appreciation Week. Join us in thanking our incredible school counselors for all that they do for our students and schools! Leave a message of appreciation by clicking this link:
about 1 month ago, CERSD
School Counselor Appreciation Week
Did You Know? The last Capital Levy helped expand our Early Learning Center by remodeling the elementary primary wing, adding all new preschool-age in-class bathrooms, furniture, new play area, and more. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
early learning remodel photos
Did You Know? The previous Capital Levy funded the addition of 4 modulars (8 classrooms) to the Elementary school campus, helping to address capacity challenges. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
portable classrooms
Did You Know? The Capital Levy helps replace worn out classroom furniture. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 1 month ago, CERSD
classroom furniture photo
Did You Know? The last Capital Levy helped fund new playground equipment at our elementary school. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 2 months ago, CERSD
playground image
There will be no school on Monday, January 27th, for a staff professional development work day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 28th. Have a great weekend!
about 2 months ago, CERSD
no school Monday, Jan. 27th
Did You Know? The Capital Levy helps support track & field maintenance, including resurfacing the track and improving throwing event areas. Learn more at Be sure to vote on Tuesday, February 11th!
about 2 months ago, CERSD
track photo
Jazz Cafe Annual Dinner and Auction coming May 2nd, 5pm-8pm at Cle Elum Eagles. Hosted by the Cle Elum-Roslyn School Music Boosters. Featuring the musical sounds of the Middle School and High School Jazz bands plus The Ellensburg Big Band! This event raises vital funds needed to support the middle school and high school music programs. Join us for Dinner, Silent Auction, Raffles, and Dessert Auction! You can purchase your tickets at the following link:
about 2 months ago, CERSD
Jazz Cafe Flyer