Transportation Director
Phone: 509-852-4832

Our mission is to provide safe, reliable, and timely transportation for students to and from school and their activity programs, creating a positive start and finish to each school day. We are dedicated to equipping our drivers with the skills needed to be effective, committed professionals, ready to meet the evolving challenges of bus and student safety. Through collaboration with our district, parents, and students, we can successfully achieve these goals.
Transportation Information
In order for things to run smoothly, we ask parents to make sure that students are at bus stops early; at least five minutes prior to the published time to five minutes after the published time. Additionally, we ask TK, kindergarten and 1st grade parents to be at the bus stop to receive their students.
If your student will be riding a bus home with a friend, please send your student with a BUS PASS or contact your student's school secretary.
A reminder, at this time our buses can be full, we ask that groups or parties of students do not ride this can over load the bus for the regular riders.
Emergency Transportation Information
Hazardous weather or unexpected emergencies may create changes in bus transportation times and pickup-drop points for school children. Schools will be open unless a Cle Elum-Roslyn School District "School Closure" announcement is made by radio, television stations as well as phone messages to parents.
Bus Rules
Cle Elum-Roslyn Transportation Department is responsible for the safe transportation of students every day. It is a responsibility that requires the cooperation of the students in observing the safety rules enforced by the district. Students riding on the bus are expected to conform to behavior rules corresponding to classroom conduct regulations. Students are to
Sit properly in their seats
Refrain from throwing objects
Keep hands to self
Be courteous to others
Obey the bus driver at all times
Promote bus cleanliness
Refrain from vandalism
The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students. The driver will report any problems to the Transportation Director/Principal for students who violate the rules on the bus. Each driver and principal has the authority to dictate appropriate consequences or discipline for student misconduct, including loss of bus riding privileges. For the safety of all rides, the Board of Directors has authorized the installation of video cameras on district buses.
Students must only use their designated bus stop. A student must have written permission from their parent or guardian, for any change in their assigned bus or bus stop, this includes alternate stops on their current bus.
The safety record of buses and drivers is outstanding in the Cle Elum-Roslyn School District. All buses are equipped with radios, crossing arms, fire extinguishers, chains, and first-aid kits. Safety is the foremost concern of the bus drivers. Prior to leaving the bus garage, each driver performs a pre-trip safety check of the bus using district-established procedures that comply with the State Department of Transportation, OSPI and Federal requirements.
If you have any questions during regular business hours, please contact the Cle Elum-Roslyn School District's Transportation Department Office at 509-852-4832.
Cle Elum-Roslyn Elementary School (509) 852-4935
Walter Strom Middle School (509) 852-4901
Cle Elum-Roslyn High School (509) 852-4850
Swiftwater Learning Center (509) 852-4829
Bus Routes & Forms
Inclement Weather/Emergency:
Extracurricular Trips: