Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) offers supplemental services for K–12 students who are not meeting academic standards. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level and addressing barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction. They may include readiness skill development or behavior supports. The intent is for LAP-served students to increase academic growth during the time they receive services.
The Cle Elum Roslyn’s School District's LAP program mission is to provide intensive intervention for students not meeting standard in math. The goal of the program is to accelerate learning for these students and bring them quickly to standard.
Test scores from Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA), NWEA MAP, district assessment scores, grades and teacher observation are combined to create a rank-ordered list of students. Students are invited into LAP programs, beginning with those most in need of service. As students exit the program, their place is taken by the next student with greatest need. Students identified for LAP services are taught by highly qualified, certificated, teachers in a small group setting.
Schools receiving LAP funds (2024-25): Walter Strom Middle School.
Carrieanne Selzler
Executive Director of Student Services
Donna Hawkins
Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director of Student Services